Gary and his Armadillo
Sue and the Armadillo
A standard axe on the left made from 4140 and is from one piece of stock. The axe on the right is a Viking style axe made from mild steel for the body and 1075 carbon steel for the bit.
Mandrels, eye drifts, and small railroad track anvil used to create the axes
Beep beep!
Sand Hill Crane
The two birds are about 4' tall, overall sculpture 5'.
Hummer (about 6')
A 3' Hummingbird
Sue and the rabbit
Sue and the Bar Maid (with a serious problem - or is that Madonna in 20 years?)
Tropical West Texas
Buffalo Horse
Buffalo Horse
Buffalo Hunter
The two palm tree chicken trees are both from 6" ID casing and the leaves are from 16 gauge sheet.
Outer layer of fur is made from 100 lbs of 1/8" welding rod
The pig has a 1904 McClellan saddle that makes Pig riding easier
Buffalo is 20 gauge sheet over 1/4" rd used to make the skeleton. About 30" high. Torch welded. Horns and ears forged.
Palm tree made from casing and sheet metal about 7.5' high. Chicken sheet over skeleton.
Long faced blacksmith and one of his pigs
55 gallon pig and friends
A jackrabbit
Legs are from 1 1/4" round stock. Top is woven flat stock
Legs are made from 5/8" round stock. Top is woven flat stock
New York Park bench copied from the Anvil's Ring Vol 34 Number 1, 2005. Wood is Western Red Cedar 4"x12"x12' and legs are 1" round stock.
This bench is about 8' long and the legs are 1" round bar
Stand with sink: legs are from 7/8" round stock
The Shop Bird
Soft leaf yucca. Flower stem is 1/2" round stock and leaves are forged 1/8" or 3/16" by 1" flat stock.
Another palm it's native environment
Plants Stands or Table Frames